This weekend, Eugene and I will be checking out a couple more wedding venues, and hopefully doing a little baking (well...I'll be doing the baking; Eugene will be doing the eating.)
I'm also hoping to make it to the farmer's market and for the weather to stay lovely so that I can continue to wear my clothing swap finds! (I've worn at least one clothing swap item every single day this week; awesome!)
Below are a few of the things that have caught my eye this week! As always, if you have any cool suggestions for me to include in my weekend link lists, please email me at And don't forget to tell me what your plans are for the weekend; I love knowing what other folks are up to!
P.S. If you're wondering, those are vintage Mrs. Butterworth's bottles I spotted at the flea market last weekend. I don't know why they are all missing the face, but suspect it has to do with the sugar content in her syrup. ;)
I raved about this on Twitter yesterday, but it begs repeating. Cucumber Sangria via Fare a La Femme. How fab is this idea?
Five tips from Jamie Oliver (via
Fellow retro food fanatics should check out this very cool timeline to food in the 1950.
Purple (Moon & The Stars) Watermelon!
Chorizo Quesadillas!
Gorgeous Chocri Customized Chocolate Bars (via Pie of the Tiger)
I love these Vintage Silverware Garden Markers
Coconut Peanut Butter is a favorite of mine
I’m always inspired by the ideas and sentiments in Makeunder My Life
Beautiful colorful doors
Cute summer romper
I love open kitchen shelves (I...err...Eugene just installed one in our kitchen a couple months ago). Here is a great DIY project
The Waffle & Dinges truck parks in front of our office every Friday and it now has me thinking about making them at home. I need to get a waffle maker so I can make these Pecan & Banana Bread waffles from Everybody Loves Sandwiches.
LOVE this tree wall
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